Friday, September 30, 2011

Diving into unpredictable world of the wild, the collection of CPAS leads one into the dark colors of nature. Exploring fierce nature at the heart of the jungle, the deep waters of the ocean or the center of a cavernous mountain, the color and inspiration come not from the surface, but from the very depths of them.

The collection brings the functionality of the outdoors merged with street style for an environmentally driven man who likes the adventure of plunging into the unknown and taking risks to explore his world.

Offering a diverse collection of items ranging from casual wear to a cocktail attire, C PAS delivers environmentally conscious materials to play with organic cottons, linen and wools/blends, and gives new life to dead stock fabrics and a carbon free Alcantara.

In addition, C PAS carries its consistent classic utilitarian style with its signature recycled elements of music tape and recycled dress shirts.
The collection features colors ranging from warm whites, khaki, shades of grey, black mixing with a vibrant purple and mustard.

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